

皇冠体育app的实习经历是加分项, formally recognized program integrating classroom learning and productive paid work experiences in a field related to a student's academic and career goals. Co-op consists of full-time work in industry or with a research organization for a period of 6-8 months, 理论联系实际.


Co-ops are always paid; a competitive salary is offered by the employing organization. The employing organization establishes compensation for co-op employment according to its own pay scale. The employing organization is not obligated to find or establish room and board for the student, 不过我们也欢迎你帮忙安排住宿.


合作实习被认为是一门技术选修课. 获得三(3)个学分.


合作公寓楼的租期为6至8个月,通常包括夏季的几个月. 一个典型的街区从5月/ 6月开始,一直持续到12月, 或从1月开始,持续到8月. 雇主被要求保证雇佣至少5个月.


在接受合作公寓报价之前, request information and a determination from the Office of Student 金融援助 on how your anticipated co-op earnings may affect your individual financial aid package. We recommend that students on co-op keep detailed records and receipts for expenses incurred as a result of the co-op assignment.


Start out by setting up a meeting with the Assistant Director for Experiential Education to learn more about the co-op process, 以前的合作社雇主, 以及社交机会.

*握手 这是一个寻找和申请合作实习职位的好地方吗. 登录你的账户,搜索“工作”."

*Attend the annual career fairs organized by the CDC; many employers attend these events looking for co-op candidates. 浏览最新的雇主代表名单 握手.

“我非常喜欢在博格华纳做合作社的经历, 我认为所有的工程师都应该住合作公寓. 参加合作社不仅能让你在工作中获得实践经验, 它还能帮助你弄清楚你是否走在专业的正确轨道上." - 匿名

“这是接触真实行业的绝佳途径, 学习新科学, 和潜在的雇主建立关系网.” - 克里斯托弗·科尔伯特

“带薪实习为每一位学生提供了宝贵的工作和生活经验.” - 达斯汀·特拉维斯

"I learned that I am able to go outside my comfort zone personally and professionally and still remain confident in myself and my abilities." - 匿名

"I learned that I am more easily able to adapt to new experiences than I had previously thought." - 匿名

“I will remember the lessons I learned for the rest of my life and apply them in work and personal life.” - 查尔斯·德斯

“I believe a co-op will open any student’s eyes and help them realize if they really should or shouldn’t continue their education.” - 肖恩Benoit

"I know that before going on co-op I was worried that I wouldn’t like what I was going to do, but being a Manufacturing Engineer at BorgWarner I realized that I was on the right track and that I made the right decision on majoring in Mechanical Engineering. I also think that going on co-op is important because you realize that you do use some of the information that you learn in the courses that you take at school, 所以这是在课程中做得更好的动力. I would say that the most rewarding part of going on co-op is that you gain more knowledge that you would at school and you also gain many resources such as references in the future when you are looking for a job." - 匿名

“这让我对自己的长处和短处有了更深入的评估, 获得一个更广阔的视角,了解行业是如何分离其业务部门的, 还有更多的时间来研究职业道路.” - 迈克尔·贝拉尔迪的乳白色

“I learned a great deal about the need for communication and 时间管理 in a professional setting.” - 詹姆斯Eddlestone

我在这个合作社所做的工作证明是无价之宝. It has allowed me to gain knowledge and skills of materials characterization and practically implement relevant subjects." - 匿名

“总的来说, 我的合作社让我认识了新朋友, 结交新朋友, and has taught me that I have chosen the correct career path that I now have more knowledge and background in.” - 乔什·洛根

“作为一名学生,我了解到我有能力在一家大公司引发变革. My willingness to learn new things and ask questions benefited in the problem-solving process when presented with a new project. 最后, 我了解到,我有一个强烈的愿望,继续做实验室融化, 运行分析, 和扫描电镜一起工作." - 匿名

“有机会与你所学领域的专业人士一起工作, 在早期提供了宝贵的见解, 尤其是作为科勒团队的一员.” - 香农·罗杰斯

“Having the ability to apply what I have learned from my classes at Alfred University to the work environment and what I have learned from the work environment to my classes will greatly improve my comprehension of difficult material.” - 圣扎迦利年轻


“我会向我的同学推荐带薪实习吗? 当然,毫无疑问. You gain a wealth of experience that can only be learned in the work place; experience that gives you a foot-up on your competition when it comes to applying for a job."

"It was great to be able to recognize and apply concepts learned in class to what is really used in the work environment. I have a new appreciation for the education I have completed and motivation to continue the path I am on."

“我学到的教训不是在课堂上可以学到的. Combining a co-op into my engineering education was one of the best choices I could have made for myself and my future."

“要想知道自己是否喜欢某件事,最好的办法就是走出去做。. 我认为值得注意的是,我并不是一个优秀的学生,你也不必如此, 你只需要愿意学习. 简而言之,选择合作公寓. 你会回到一个看起来和听起来都一样的地方, 但你会发现改变的是你自己."

"I learned more than I could've ever imagined and gained the skills needed to excel in a manufacturing setting. 我的沟通, 演讲, 时间管理, 而说服技巧在合作社期间得到利用和完善的众多技能中也很少."

“Austin has definitely grown professionally during his experience at NYAB and has been involved in the testing and qualifications of various piece of hardware” - 杰弗里·吉布森

“Good job in general, very good availability; task oriented, and follows directions. 他是这个团队的关键成员 阿曼德巴斯克斯

“Marc has met all expectations and has gone above and beyond our expectations we have for him as a co-op position” - 丹尼尔·麦凯

“泰勒在博格华纳的表现表明她做好了充分的准备, 她扎实的学校背景知识使她有别于其他合作伙伴, 这也给了她一个明显的优势, 帮助她成功完成任务。 雷路

泰勒的作品在数量和质量上都超出了我们的预期 雷路

“James was one of the finest co-op students contributing a lot to our future product development. 感谢您与我们分享这样一位优秀的学生. I hope that the school continues to fine such excellent students and feed to our engineering community” - 韦斯公园


  • 通用动力电船
  • 欧文斯伊利诺斯
  • U.海军研究实验室
  • 美国铝业公司.
  • 科勒有限公司.
  • Unifrax
  • 纽约空气制动器
  • 托马斯电动
  • 州公司.
  • IEC电子
  • 科勒有限公司.
  • Wegmans
  • Rheonix公司.
  • L3技术
  • BorgWarner
  • 丰富的产品
  • 美国铝业公司
  • 阿尔斯通
  • Unifrax
  • 先进检测公司
  • 丰富的产品
  • PCC翼型
  • Unifrax
  • 卓越的轮胎 & 橡胶有限公司
  • L3 GCS
  • 完整的 工作协议 -这包括工作/学习模式(夏季/秋季), 秋天只有, 春天只, 春/夏季), 位置(s), 组织内部的工作活动, 监督学生完成作业, 报告系统, 等. A brief company bio and co-op job description for each position is part of the 工作协议 which must be kept on file at the 职业发展中心.
  • 通知职业发展中心被录用的候选人.
  • 完整的 mid-point and final evaluations of student performance (to be reviewed with the student and returned to the 职业发展中心. 助理署长将在适当的时候提供这些文件.
  • 雇主负责做出所有选择候选人的决定, including selecting candidates to interview and choosing the successful candidate(s) for the co-op position(s) offered.
  • 雇主应该告知学生有关公司的情况, 这个职位, 合作社工作的职责, 以及薪酬方案.
  • 如果工作中出现问题,不能令人满意地解决, 雇主被要求联系职业发展中心.





尼克Weikle, 2020